Play Only With Me

In "Play Only with Me," we revisit the tried and true theme of the psycho bitch who attempts to ruin a guy’s life after a casual one-night stand. Most of you newbies know this gimmick from the yuppie angst classic Fatal Attraction, but the present porno is a hardcore homage to the 1971 Clint Eastwood shocker Play Misty for Me (thus the slightly off-balance title bearing a vague resemblance to Eastwood’s film). A couple enters an “apartment” (decorated in Holiday Inn contemporary). The guy, Richard (an early outing for porn super-trooper Joey Silvera), offers the girl booze and mood music, but she is strangely indifferent. When Richard realizes that the chick, named Kris, is carrying a gun in her handbag, he gets a bit concerned. His worries melt away, however,

Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me
Play Only With Me